Our Mission Statement
Through God’s direction, power and sovereignty, our purpose is to assist with the Restoration of the reformed addict’s life; to provide a means for parents, family and friends of the addict to become Anchored in faith in the midst of a storm; to hold on to God’s promises by beginning to take a Christian stand in an evil world and start paving a way for drug dealers to be stopped and their wrong actions to be Justified.

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Your Gift Helps Others Experience Restoration After Addiction
Our Passion
To See You Live to the Fullest through the Storms of Life.
“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age”
-Titus 2: 11-12
Addiction is devastating! The wounds and burdens that an addict carries are deep. Through our experience with our daughter, we learned the addict often feels that he/she has ruined his/her life forever. The addict finds it difficult to know how to begin again in life. This is simply not true. Fortunately, we have witnessed addicts overcome their addiction through a life totally submitted to God. Living in Truth, these individuals were able to help others beat addiction. Now those recovered addicts have the tools they need to survive life’s challenges instead of returning back to drugs.
Many rehab facilities help the recovering addicts restore their lives by assisting them with job placement. Many times these jobs have to be a starting point for the addicts and may not be the true purpose
God is calling them to. All too often the recovering addicts are limited in resources to increase their potential.
Our deepest desire is to be a resource to the recovered addict for him/her to reach their full potential. Our goal is that once the individual has demonstrated a commitment to serve Christ and has expressed a desire to seek his or her God-given purpose, that individual may be recommended to apply for a scholarship (books and tuition) to Highlands College. Our prayer is that God will fully Restore and use this individual (ultimately defined as a child of God and not defined by the past or the world) for His glory and for His purpose.
“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and on which enters within the veil”
-Hebrews 6:19
Drug addiction is not only devastating for the addict, but it is also devastating to the family and loved ones of an addict. Through our struggles as parents in dealing with our daughter’s drug addiction, we have experienced all the pain that a family or friend of an addict can feel and experience. What most people would see as a hopeless, painful experience, we have been able to see God’s complete involvement in the life of our family. We desire for all people associated with loving and caring for a drug addict to know God as their Anchor in the middle of the storm of addiction.
We feel led to reveal the way God has shepherded us through every issue we have experienced in loving a drug addict. To help assist with emotions, thoughts, and questions that arise when a loved one is a drug addict, we have a daily devotional book that can be available to family members and/or friends of addicts. The book was written under God’s guidance as these emotions, thoughts, and questions arose in parenting our daughter enslaved in drug addiction. It is faith in God, the power of His promises, and the truth of His Word that anchored us in our storm of addiction. It is the one thing that brought us hope and peace in what otherwise was a war zone. God showed us that His grace is sufficient; His strength is enough; His love is forever; and that nothing can separate us from Him who saved us.
“…I am the Lord, showing faithful love, justice, and righteousness on the earth, for I delight in these things…”
-Jeremiah 9:24
We uphold the value of justice, but not as the world sees justice. We believe in God’s Justice, which is covered with love and seeks righteousness. While all of us fall short, we know that Christ came to forgive us and save us from our sin. Because of God’s saving Grace, we have conviction and not condemnation.
Even though there may be consequences to our actions on Earth, Christ is there to walk us through them as He leads us to grow in His righteousness. God dislikes the injustice of addiction and the distribution of illegal substances that lead His children astray. Instead God delights in love, justice, and righteousness in this world.
Our prayer is that all involved in addiction (the user, the dealer, and those that love them) will know the following:
♦ The depth of God’s love for them
♦ That God’s justice is not condemnation but provides a way for them to seek God as they walk out earthly consequences.
♦ That God wants all to become righteous on Earth as they are justified through the acceptance and honoring of Jesus Christ as their Lord.
Ashlynn Nicole Bailey was born on April 21st 1995 to the proud parents of Mike and Deborah Bailey. She was a beautiful blue-eyed baby girl, tiny yet mighty. She had to stay in the neonatal step down unit after she was born because she had to be treated for pneumonia after aspirating during the delivery process. She was a fighter and strong during the healing process. She had to stay in the hospital for 7 days before we got to bring our baby home. She was our first child and the first grandchild on both sides of our family. We all immediately fell in love with her!
We had to be careful with Ashlynn being around other people initially after her birth due to her having pneumonia; but as soon as she was able to attend church, we had her there. She was dedicated about 8 months of age in our church’s parent-baby dedication ceremony. She grew up in the church, learned about God, and became a Christian at an early age- just after the 9/11 event that forever changed our peaceful world here in America. She loved God and had a real anointing for leading others to Christ. She felt that everyone needed to go to Heaven. She led several of her friends to Christ.
- Continued provision for a scholarship for one full-time student and one part-time student in fall 2021
- Increase the opportunity to partner with local rehabs to assist with their fundraising
- Grow opportunity to raise awareness about addiction and how to navigate life with a loved one in addiction
- Enlarge capacity to anchor families affected by addiction through prayer ministry, consultation, and provide written material resources to assist in healing
- 7 students: 6 graduates and 1 current student at Highlands College (Meet Anthony Colon and Rachael Cannon)
- ABF partnered through fundraising events with 3 local ministries just prior to and during the Covid-19 pandemic
- ABF provided resource materials through the book, God Our Anchor; through two articles written in Mature Living; along with pastoral care (through prayer and consultation) to families with a loved one in addiction
- Small Group Initiation and Development for those with loved ones in addiction
- ABF has been a source of hope established by love, comfort, and fellowship to families in grief
- ABF has been blessed with opportunity to speak/serve in local prison ministry
- Ashlynn Bailey Foundation is now an independent 501c3
- Fully executed Ashlynn Bailey Foundation Endowed Student Scholarship @ Highlands College with first student beginning January of 2024
- Pastoral Counseling for families that have lost a child to addiction
- Over 6,000 copies of God Our Anchor were sold to assist families and those struggling with the effects of addiction; proceeds were directed to ABF for continued needs
Support Healing. Support Restoration.
Restoration doesn’t just affect one life…it affects generations.